WordWave: About

Who are we?

We are a group of young youth from the UK who are on fire for God and are hoping to spread the gospel around the world.

Our aim is to build up our personal spiritual lives and spread that across others. Our main aim is to reach the hearts of young believers aswell as those who are not following God and to be able to leave them without excuse as to why they do not believe.

At times we find it difficult to spend time with God and to "meditate day and night"(Joshua 1:8) upons God's word.

We need to consistently spend time with God to feed our spirit. Spending time with God can be difficult to do due to work, school or other day-to-day life. However by allowing yourself to read, listen or watch certain topics that interest you, it can be made easier.

With a further integration of random words of encouragement it allows you to dwell upon an original quote that you can start your day off with.

I hope you can feed yourself with our handcarfted notes.

-Revive Team