
Genesis 37-50

Joseph was his father’s (Jacob) favourite son

This lead to his brothers hating him

Joseph’s brothers didnt like him more because of his dreams which were interpreted that his brothers would bow down to Joseph.

This teaches that it doesnt matter who hates you but you will always come out victorious and if its God’s will then it will happen (Genesis 37:8)

Josephs Brother’s planned to kill him but Reuben went against it to save Joseph

This teaches that you will always have atleast one person you can go to

TimeLine so far:

  1. Joseph is Jacobs favourite
  2. Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers who were pasturing the sheep
  3. His brothers were at Dothan.
  4. His brothers plotted to kill him
  5. Reuben reevaluated this and saved him and placed him in a ditch
  6. His brothers sold him to an Ishmaelite
  7. The Ishmaelite sold him to Potiphar in Egypt

Chapter 39

Verse 2

"The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master." (Genesis 39:2)

If you are with God and obey his commands, you will be successful

Verse 3

"Potiphar could see the blessing upon Joseph, giving him success in everything he did." (Genesis 39:3)